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CAP Notebooks

Focus Question - How do students process information with CAP Notebooks?


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study what you see

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About CAP NotesBrian McCarthy [The Creator]
00:00 / 12:30
Graduation CAP

Why CAP Note Graphic Organizers? 


We begin with a basic expectation - students are accountable for what they learn in school. The goal is to summarize lessons and transform learning content into popular games to engage and motivate students.

CAP Notes use higher-order thinking skills and best learning practices and have three sections. They use mnemonics, {memory tricks} process symbols and time management strategies to summarize and conclude each lesson. CAP Notes encourages visualization, subject integration, and self-evaluation. The Picture Pages Prompts set the stage for creativity. Seven Games build relationships, connections, and fun!


CAP is an abbrev. acronym

 Curriculum Content, Associations & Processes & Pictographs

SMART Lesson Planning Templates
Use CAP Notes

Stop Reinventing the Wheel.

I recommend the use of SMART Boards and SMART Notebook Software. Students can hear, see and interact more with SMART Boards. Teachers can share lesson plans with a common software. 

Templates include a CAP Note, a Q&A Section, a Picture Prompt, and traditional lesson planning steps on Pull Tabs.

Cut and Paste Curriculum Objectives, URLs, graphics, and interactive activities as if you are creating a lesson for distant learners; because you are.

At the end of the day, I would post my lessons in PDF format on the class website. These were called Board Notes, which were very popular with students and parents.

If a student was absent, they could see what they missed and interact with the lesson remotely. If a lesson wasn't finished, content could be moved to the next day's lesson. I would also file daily lessons into Unit Plans.

This five-minute investment in time at the end of the day dramatically improved communication and transparency. This was before AI - teachers now have tools to customize learning like never before!​

Use the training videos to learn more about Lesson Planning the SMART WAY.


 SMART offers a free Basic Version for home use, giving access to lesson links and more.

Traditional VS Digital Lesson Planning

CAP Note Sample

Section 1 - 7 CAP Notes

 1. Multi-use CAP Note Learning Journals began as a rote memory tool and evolved into a Game for everybody.  

2. Teachers use CAP Notes to plan lessons, and students use CAP Notes to summarize lessons. Parents model daily reflection during Game Prep Time to bond with kids.

3. CAP Notes are used to draft Questions and Activities for the WAY Game.  

4. CAP Notes hold students accountable with the EXPECTATION to demonstrate learning in all classes.

5. Use CAP Note Graphic Pages creatively. 

6. Stakeholders learn mnemonics, acronyms, and Best Learning Practices.    

7. CAP Notes are used to reflect and reinforce learning. during Game Prep Time, formerly known as homework.

8. GPT is a great time for family bonding.

9. Use CAP Note Rubrics for evaluation and grades.

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Section 2 - Q & A's for
the WAY Game


Based on their CAP Notes, students draft Questions and Activities for the WAY Game. The next step is to select the best Q & A's for student Game Cards.

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Section 3 - 60 Picture Prompts

There are 180 Pictures for three Terms of CAP Notes. parents' Pictures mirror students' Pictures so they are on the same page. The message for first edition CAP Notes is to be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise. The message in CAP Notebooks 2025 is Awareness, Gratitude, Respect & Service. 


the WAY Game with CAP Notes = CAP Notebooks 2025 is designed for Quick Play outside of the classroom.

CAP Notes
for ALL

CAP Notebook 2005

How do CAP Notes Work?


1. Set the stage for the Gamification of Education.

2. Students are expected to summarize each lesson in nine steps.

3. Students identify the content and process of each lesson.  

4. Right- brain stimulation. Pictographs are 'Memory Triggers'.

5. Students learn questioning and evaluation skills.

6. Teachers, students and parents are aligned with a standardized learning tool

7. Lessons have a purpose - Game Cards are created from lessons for the WAY Game. Students are more motivated and engaged.

From Evolution

to Revolution

 CAP Notes

Green Feet
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CAP Notes began as a rote memory tool.

CAP Notes

Graduation CAP and Diploma

 Learn to Play and

Play to Learn. 


To Remember &

Be Remembered

CAP Note Sample
CAP Notes and Graphics



Picture Prompts

1. Story Telling

2. Art & Writing Prompts

3. For WAY Game Responses

4. Traditional Note Taking 

5. What I Did on My Summer Vacation

6. Customize CAP Note Fundraiser

7. For Player Game Responses

CAP Notes are free to print for field testing.
[Graphics not included]

Doin' the WAY

Print CAP Notes   







Family Cheering
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